Patients are anesthetized for all of this, and treated with short-term painkillers when they wake. “The whole idea is you're not injecting into the spinal column itself, you're injecting it into the fluid that surrounds the spinal column.” Injecting straight into the cord would damage it. “We use the same technique for administering this as we would a spinal anesthetic,” says NIH anesthesiologist Andrew Mannes. In fact, the NIH is in the midst of trials with bone cancer patients. Here, too, RTX might work as a powerful painkiller. That’s a very targeted application, but what about more widespread pain? Cancer patients, for instance, can live in agony through their end-of-life care. Instead, it binds to a major molecule in specifically pain-sensing nerve endings, called TRPV1 (pronounced TRIP-vee one). RTX isn’t going to destroy the endings of all these neurons willy-nilly. Some flavors respond to light touch, others signal joint position, yet others respond only to stimuli like tissue injury and burns. The human body is loaded with different kinds of sensory neurons.
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Which means medicine could soon get a new tool to help free us from the grasp of opioids. Inject RTX, as it’s known, into an aching joint, and it’ll actually destroy the nerve endings that signal pain.

Just to be safe, you probably shouldn’t even look at it.īut while that toxicity will lay up any mammal dumb enough to chew on the resin spurge, resiniferatoxin has also emerged as a promising painkiller. Euphorbia resinifera, aka the resin spurge, is not to be eaten. That’s 10,000 times hotter than the Carolina reaper, the world’s hottest pepper, and 45,000 times hotter than the hottest of habaneros, and 4.5 million times hotter than a piddling little jalapeno. On the Scoville Scale of hotness, its active ingredient, resiniferatoxin, clocks in at 16 billion units. In Morocco there grows a cactus-like plant that’s so hot, I have to insist that the next few sentences aren’t hyperbole.